Jun Ho Cho
Traveller, 2019, acryl on canvas, 46 x 38cm
It wasn't me, 2019, acryl on canvas, 70 x 50cm
Girl with monkey, 2019, acryl on canvas, 100 x 70 cm
Jun Ho Cho
born in South Korea
1990-1993 Art High School, Pusan, South-Korea
1993-2002 Fine Art at Chung-Ang University, Seoul South-Korea
2006 Kunstakademie Muenster (Prof.Frisch)
2011 Master in Kunstakademie
Solo Exhibition:
2023 ´Life is like a play´, Orange Gallery, Tegernsee, Germany
2020: `Mentale Distanz`, Orange Gallery, Tegernsee, Germany
2020: 'Life is a stage', Kleine Affaeier, Hattingen
2019: 'Jun Ho Cho' , Muenster Theater, Muenster
2016: Orange Gallery, Tegernsee,Germany
2012: Dreamworlds, Simon-Nolte, Mallorca, Spain
2011: Life is on the stage, Nolte gallery, Munster , Germany
2010: "Prix du jeune art 2010",Daniel Besseiche gallery ,Paris ,France
2008: Quartier7 ,Muenster, Germany
2001: Exhibition Hall in Chung-Ang Univ. ,An-sung, South-Korea
2011 International Lucas Cranach price, special price, Kronach, Germany
2010 "GrandPrix of young artist 2010" by Jung-Hun Mécénat, Paris, France
Artfair Kunstmesse, München, Germany
contemporary art ruhr, Essen,Germany
ART.FAIR 21- Cologne, German